Indoor Plants: Fragrant, small, round-headed white-yellow flowers grow in clusters at the end of stems; they may be accompanied by red berries. Despite this, blooming is uncommon for indoor plants. The recommended USDA hardiness zones for planting outdoors is 9–11.
Health Benefits: Live plants purify the air in their surroundings and thus enable you to inhale clean, fresh air while also helping to boost mood levels. The plant is toxic to pets if ingested
Dracaena Limelight Plant Pot: Dracaena Limelight is a beautiful, evergreen plant that features distinctive parallel-veined, sword-shaped, bright green leaves that grow in a rosette shape. Over time, the plant loses its lower leaves, revealing bare stems
Home and Garden Decor: Ideal as an indoor plant, our Dracaena Limelight plant pot is perfect for windowsills, countertops, desks, and tables in your home or garden. The plant can grow up to 4-6' indoors and is a great gift option for friends and family
Easy Maintenance: Dracaena Limelight plants are easy to care for; they grow well in bright, indirect light, with the ideal temperature being over 55° F. A heat pack is included with each plant if your region experiences cold weather